
Friday, 18 December 2009


Hello, hello dear chobots. Many updatez right? ;) are the new updatez:

As you can see in the picture, the really kind mods decorated every place for Christmas and for the New Year. Great! And the robots team are avabile now too!In this picture you can see how to create your own robots team.
And of course, you can join another team. You get an invitation from a chobot that wants you in his/her team. And the friend list is now different! There is a special place for on-line friends, for off-line friends and for your robot team friends! Awesome!



Thursday, 17 December 2009


Hello! Hello! Aqua_bubble speaking! I'm the new author in here as you can see! xD here's a picture of me:I'll post on this awesome blog. If you could visit my blog too, by clicking here, i'll be greatfull! xD

See you next time!


New author!

hey chobots,
im 3looi , a new author in this awesome blog!
here is my chobot look:

i will be posting in this blog ;)

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Sign up Here!

Whats the point?
The point is to make a HUGE Blog about chobots supporting Fishgang too!

Whats the Rewards?
The Best writers will be chosen to go on to its self! and You will be made a F.G Agent.

How do I sign up?
Leave your Chobot Name and Email on this post!

I can only have up to 100 authors, I need people who will post every day!

Do not post anything bad, and if you do not post enough then... sadly I have to remove you... So I can let others have a chance to join.


Coming Soon.

Blog Under Construction....